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Health Insurance For International Students in Australia

All overseas students are obliged to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
You will need to apply for OSHC before coming to Australia. This is a necessary step to obtain your student visa.

You can choose OSHC as a:

– Single membership – $425 per year
– Family membership 2 people – $1070 per year

3 people or more – $ 2490 per year

OSHC Worldcare

is the leading overseas student health cover provider in Australia. With partnerships with over 70% of Australian Universities and many other education institutions, you can be sure that OSHC Worldcare will provide you with best value OSHC.

You are also able to access an extensive list of direct billing doctors across Australia. If you visit a direct billing doctor, you will not need to make a claim. The doctor will obtain your benefit amount directly from OSHC Worldcare.

If you visit doctor who is not on the list you have to make a claim, to make a claim you can go directly to webiste and lodge your claim online or visit one of branches of OSHC Worldcare.

You also have access to 24/7 help line, which provides access to medical, legal and interpreting services.

24 Hour Emergency Helpline
1800 814 781

Visit the website and become familiar with the OSHC at You will find fact sheets on specific topics of interest, frequently asked questions in multiple languages, find a doctor in your local area and health and wellbeing information. You are also able to lodge an online claim, update your personal details, print a temporary certificate until you receive your membership card and much more.

Finally if you need help, you can access one of the local state team members at various locations. You can find this information under ‘Need Help’ in the student section of the website. Alternatively contact OSHC Worldcare via email at, or call them on 13 OSHC (13 6742).

For more information please visit or contact BRIDGEMARKS